This is the nose.
Black cotton fabric, white chalk pencil, and scissors. I traced around the shape, cut it out, sewed the darts and stuffed. Made a gathering around the outside edge and pulled it closed at the back encasing the stuffing.

I sewed the nose to the muzzle and then sewed that on top of the whiskers. The whites of the eyes were sewn on and black marker was used to do the black of the eyes and the dots for where the whiskers will go on the muzzle. The whole thing was then sewn onto the head and the stripes were glued and sewn onto the face.
I had been without my camera for a few days so i was not able to show how i assembled him step by step as i would have liked but here he is.

I went to Savers an opp shop in Greensborough and was fortunate in finding him some clothes. and bought him a pair of blue shorts and a plain white T shirt and on the computer i found the logo of the games. I then made the logo the size i wanted and reversed it, printed it onto transfer paper and ironed it on.

He has socks, just needs runners and a few finishing touches, I do have to colour in his skin using orange pencils, cos he is not supposed to be brown, add some whiskers and he will be done.