Savers in Mill Park is having a 1st Birthday today, I cannot believe it has been one year already!. I went there today to donate books and magazines and at the same time get some exercise and found out all about it. They are having face painting and door prizes and the big prize of $100 Savers Voucher. You still have time to go there if you live nearby. I won a door prize! A $20 Savers voucher and this is what I bought. New baby fabric, perfect for dolls dresses or a quilt, a pack of 50 zips, (i know what i am making for this years Christmas gifts for our cloth doll club this year). Some lovely manly cotton fabrics for Aussie Hero Quilts. What an amazing time I had. I spent that voucher with 5c spare. The really lovely thing about it is the staff, when I was looking around to see what I could buy, They kept saying how nice to see a regular win!
Seriously, I think it needs stitches, (fabulous name for a blog!) is having a giveaway of a layer cake of Little Apples by Aneela Hoey. Little Apples Line of fabric. How pretty is this! I love this too. from If you would like to have a go at winning then click on any of the pictures to be taken there.
The hand puppets in progress. Not finished yet but well on the way, from left to right we have Frida Kahlo, Pablo Picasso, Claude Monet, Andy Warhol, Salvadore Dali, Leonado da Vinci and Vincent van Gogh.