Mark and Myself at the Costume Party last night.

Leg wraps. Hessian and cord from Spotlight, sheeting from Savers.

Making the belt. Paper pattern pieces, we used cartridge paper to make the pattern pieces with, the inside from a childs toy shield, silver and gold spray paint, leather hole punch, spray adhesive round stationary magnets and cord.

The finished belt. It did up at the back with the cord lacing.

Leg shields. This was done twice, mirrored. Paper pattern was transferred onto cardboard pieces and hot glued together and the cardboard was curved and then spray painted gold.

Ribbon was added to the underside and the shields were strapped onto his legs. First though his legs were wrapped in both the cotton sheeting and the hessian then the guards on top.

Arm and shoulder costume parts.

Finished and assembled.

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