Sad news, Closing down. I have just received this e-mailand thought it might be of interest to share.
Ballarat Patchwork is closing down and to do this we need to clear all of our stock. To start the clearance we are having 30% OFF all stock with more discounts to come. Get in early so you won't miss out as we are not re-ordering and products.
We will be updating the online store as soon as we sell out of products but sometimes new orders might come in before we can! If a product has sold out we will contact you to discuss alternatives. Check out the web page here to see all our products.
We will be closing our doors on Saturday the 12th of October 2013. All stock will need to be cleared by this date including all our shop fittings. This includes tables, chairs, display furniture, book stands, fat quarter boxes and much much more.
If you are interested in any of these items you will need to be able to pick them up from the shop, we will not be organising postage. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of our wonderful customers for their friendship and support over the past 10 years. It has been a blast.
I will be continuing to design quilts and my first range of fabrics "Terra Australis" will be available later in the year. I will be setting up a new blog, still under the Scrapbag to keep you up to date with all my new quilt designs and fabric releases.
There will also be an online store for you to purchase my patterns so they will still be available to you all! So keep up to date by following us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!
March 2025 Monthly Specials
2 hours ago