(Click on the photo for more pictures).
Yesterday could not have been more perfect, It was warm and sunny with a hint of a breeze, not a cloud in the sky. We were told this would happen, but you cannot believe it until you experience it, It went so very very quickly. At the ceremony, my mum, myself, Steph's dad, Michael's mum and Michael's dad all had a part in reading a paragraph each for the Hopes for the Marriage. I could not have been more proud. Nicky, Maid of Honour and Steph's best friend did a reading first, George Elliot, from Adam Bede, and it was beautiful. The Photographer was very busy doing his thing in getting the official pictures done.
They had a Tree Watering Ceremony, They have bought a pink flowering gum tree which they have in a pot for now, this will be planted in their own garden when they buy their first house.
the words that went with it was,
"Today we water this plant to symbolize that marriage-like a tree-requires constant nurturing and nourishment. May it grow tall and strong."
This was a really lovely message.
Wellers did us proud, the tables were set exactly as we liked, The food was delicious, The music was done by my son Jonno and his girlfriend Renee and was just right, The first dance, Stephs dance with her dad, bought tears to my eyes, and the cake was something really special and personal. My friend Lillian did us really proud. All in all it was a perfect day.
Thank you to all of you who sent best wishes, I really apprieciated them and i have passed the messages on.