Captains hat front view. The hat is made out of doubled felt with the same trim i used on his cape. It will have a white feather added later. The red trim on the hat was two handles of a shopping bag and this will have elastic in it to make it fit the person wearing it.

Back view.

These are the wrist cuffs and the front shirt frill. I used the same curtain material as what i used for the Fireflies costumes. The wrist cuffs have elastic to enable them to be made to the right size for the child and the front shirt frill will have elastic to go around and under the neck collar and velcro to attach it to the shirt front.
The next project i will be doing is Peter Pans shoes. I will be drafting up a pattern for this using my own shoes and when i am happy with that i will wait for Peter Pans shoes and then re do them. I am still having fun with it.