The Cat in the Hat finally has a face.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar food in felt and fabric on velvet discs on the back right hand side of the chair. The Very Hungry Caterpillar will be on the back top of the chair creeping over the top facing the front. The butterfly is stuffed fleecy fabric covered in buttons. with pipe cleaner antennae

Fairy 1 is wearing a dress from an adult skirt from Savers. Wings from the $2 shop for a pack of 6 wings. Needs the orange glued onto her hand. I will be leaving their faces blank so that the imagination of the person looking at her will giver her her expression.

All the same description for this fairy too. The dress fabric is from the same skirt. The first fairy is wearing a piece that was the front upper panel.

This is the view from the back of the chair. I am adding a fairy door to the tree and some mushrooms on the roots.
I think that the chair will be finished in about 2 more weeks.