I am a very happy girl. My lovely son took me to Resource Rescue Inc. This is their website. www.resourcerescue.org.au
1/42 Burgess Road. Bayswater North. Vic. 3195.
A great place to go if you like the idea of creating things from recycled materials. Pretty cheap too!
I bought this roll of double sided tape, this fabric that your shopping bags are made of and this thin plastic roll that you can sew on and these acrylic paints. Total cost of all of it? $25.
This is what I had in mind. Making bags for Aussie Hero gift packs. I already have zippers.
All of my quilts and laundry bag recipients get pretty much the same contents in their packages, I have got it down to a fine science on the bags to keep it at just under the 2 kilo mark. which keeps the packages free posting. A hand made card with my home address, e-mail address, some special words of thanks. a crossword or word search book, A book mark with the quilt care instructions on the back, a pen with 2018, an emery board, a lip salve, blank cards, a disposable razor, pack of playing cards in their own hand made holder and some wrapped lollies.
This is the first pack done. The idea is so that I can keep the package as flat as possible to go into the boxes.
This is what I have also been making. The fabric wraps for the cards using the donated fabrics.
Not pictured but I have also made some more labels for the quilts. This should keep me going for some time.
Another Pink Project started. painted with a mixture of Mont Marte acrylic paints mixed with textile medium (purple vase and light green on the leaves) and the rest is Tulip Soft fabric paints. Leave to cure for 48 hours before heat setting with an iron, cloth on top to protect iron. then the embroidery will follow.
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