These pictures are of my son's girlfriend School Art Room.
This is her first teaching post and we could not be any more happier. She is going to be AWESOME, (she already is). Where her desk is is a window. This window had nothing and so we took measurements and decided to make a hanging pocket. It has a wooden pole across the top and is attached to the frame of the window. It is also the first time i have seen it since i made it. I could not be happier the way it turned out. All the fabric in the next lot of pictures are secondhand sheets. This is what came first, by some strange magic the trim i had co-ordinated perfectly with her colour scheme.

The trim is from my own stash. It does not show up, but the pictures the centre of the trim is purple.
There is a story to go with it.
This was a roll of trim i bought when in England. I was with my step mum in a place called Dartford Market. We were going over fond memories when we saw a stall with a man looking miserable, His wares were all secondhand and it had just started snowing. He really stood out from the other more colourful stalls and i asked him how much for some trim. He told me, so I bought it. I then asked him how much for the lot! You should have seen my mums face when he told me and i said SOLD! Her jaw just dropped, and when she got over the shock and i told her why i did it, She could not stop laughing, It was really really good to see her relax like this, that in itsself was worth it. (
70 pounds lighter in my pocket, all that i had) If you live in the U.K. you may know how much this is. (You can see why i am not in charge of money at home). This was about 5 or 6 years ago.
2 full black plastic garbage bags filled, He went home happy, and my mum looked
10 years younger and we were laughing. I said, there is No Way i can take this lot on a plane, i will keep a couple of bits and we will finish this expedition by taking the rest to opp shops for them to sell. Dartford had about 5 of these type shops.
We went into one and bought
3 large sports bags. So here we were,
2 large plastic bags and
3 empty sports bags sitting in a coffee shop dividing the "loot" into the
3 bags. The stuff now easier to manage we went walking to the other secondhand stores and donated a bag into each. It felt very very good. We felt like Mrs. Clause.
Back to the trim. This is the thing i decided to take home with me as a memory.

Chairs covered

couch and seats were covered.


The other chair covered and now i have a piece of trim left the size of a book mark and i could not be any happier.

This is what the chairs looked like before the make over.