I have been asked to make fantasy chairs for 2 pep classes. One in purple and one in pink.
This first chair will be sprayed purple and have a cover that encloses the round seat by undoing the screws and building a cushion around it. The toys will be hot glued and sewn to the frame as if they were playing. All of the components were bought from Savers. The chair was half price at $1.50 two packets of soft toys at $3 each, the cushion insert $1.50. the rest will be from my stash.

This is the pink chair in progress. The chair was free from a nature strip. I will be spray painting the chair green. From Savers came the cushion insert $1.50, the pink fluffy cover $1 and the buttons for the centre of the flowers $3. The flowers I made cardboard templates and drew them onto wool coats from my stash, they are going to be blanket stitched in place and will be on both sides of the chair back. I will be adding green leaves too.

The flowers I made cardboard templates and drew them onto wool coats from my stash, they are going to be blanket stitched in place and will be on both sides of the chair back. I will be adding green leaves too.