Friday, January 17, 2020

Aussie Hero Stuff.

 Painting done. Leaving it to dry for 2 days then heat setting it. I will then add stitching details over the top and quilting it.
Mark bought me a gift for the Aussie Hero care packages. Great stuff.

Quilt Block In Progress.

Fabric painting. Easy and quick.
I printed the image onto tracing paper, taped the paper onto cardstock and fed it through my printer from the rear. This then became my sewing lines. I then used masking tape to hold it down onto the fabric and stitched over it. easy to take off once it was all stitched. Now it is ready for painting.

Aussie Hero Quilt Finished.

Aussie Hero quilt finished.

Aussie Hero Quilt Continued.

Just need to hand stitch the binding on.