The washing is already on the line, the vacuuming is done, the meat is out of the freezer being defrosted (spag bol tonight) and so it is time to play. These are the Tree of Life symbols being made as part of the wedding decorations using what i have at home. I did buy the silver coloured bangles,
6 for $
4 I need to make

Currently i am stripping down some cabling for the copper wire, acquired from a nearby skip (with permission).
I am going to go for a walk later to look for some pine cones and gum nuts, going to my friends house and saw up a fallen tree limb into slices, sand them to make bases for these decorations leaving the outer edge natural and decorate the candles.
I have no idea how they are going to be assembled together yet, but that is all part of the fun.
I hope your day is as much fun as mine.