This may look odd but it is the skeleton of my Space Hopper Girl. Some minor adjustments to be made but the dimensions are correct. This ballon is not the one i am making the Space Hopper from, just one that is the same size.

This doll is much different to the one before, This is the basic pose. Again this is just an idea developing as you see it. I had so much fun the last time! Basic shapes will be formed as before the body starting from the inside out. This time however i will be wrapping the wire with off cuts of quilters batting from
The Pillow Factory and tying it to the wire to get muscle definition. This is a first for me . From this i will be tracing around on to cardboard the individual pieces, soles of the feet, feet, lower legs, upper legs, bottom to waist, waist to neck, hands to wrist, wrist to elbow, elbow to shoulder and then the head.