This is my image board. I have on it pinned pictures from the net on the subject i want to make next. The cloth doll club i belong to (
A.C.D.A.) is having an Alice In Wonderland and Mad Hatters Tea Party Challenge next month, and i have decided i am going to dress up for this, as the Red Queen, (Pics on that outfit after this!) but first i have to make something for the challenge. It took me a couple of days to decide, first i was going to make Alice, then i thought i might do the Rabbit, then maybe the Cheshire Cat, (cos i love cats) but then i decided to do the Dodo. A couple of reasons for this, My husband and his family are from Mauritius and whilst they are over here i thought they might like it to take home with them after. They always like my things that i make.
The Dodo is an extinct bird that became extinct before the invention of the camera and was native to Mauritius.

This is the fabrics and things i will be making the Dodo with. wool coats, fake fur, coat hangers, and red vinyl as well as an assortment of buttons and brass fittings. As usual i will be using my trusty cardboard and duct tape for making the pattern pieces.