thank you for that! Now i have to tell you 10 things about myself,
this is harder than i thought.
1. I Love sewing on the machine, and in particular making toys.
2. I love to make to give away, just because.
3. I have a saint of a husband because he puts up with my mess and he supports me in every way.
4. I have 3 beautiful grown up children that i am very proud of who they have turned out to be.
5. I have 2 house cats, (they are thoroughly spoilt).
6. I admit it! I AM a crazy old cat lady.
7. I cannot cook, no exaggeration here, ask my kids!
8. I love reading blogs and blogging myself, it gives me the link to the world i was so needing and a feeling of community.
9. I don't read newspapers or watch the news on T.V. ever.
10. I am absolutely hopeless with numbers, dates, time etc. Mention a sentence with numbers in it and my mind goes, blerrrrr.
Now comes the fun and the hard part. The fun part is nominating the fellow honest bloggers, and the hard part is only picking 10.
Actually this was much harder than i thought, Only 10? There is So many more blogs i admire.