Stretchy Tilli.
It is all about the cards today cutting and pasting. This is what I am making. These cards are for Aussie Hero Quilt and laundry bag charity, those that read my blog know all about it but new readers may not. (The link is on the right hand side of my blog).
Today I am transforming plain blank cards into hand made cards for Aussie Heroes and each laundry bag gets a little package from me along with their laundry bag (and now quilts too).
Plenty of printing happens here, (my hand writing is atrocious) although I did purchase my own handwriting font which I love!
First I wrote a blurb about myself and why I make the bags, then I have a page of my e-mail address and my postal address. All will have them cut and glued inside the card along with a couple of jokes from the books bought from Savers and an Aussie flag sticker for colour and on the front is either a word search or a crossword with the answers on the back of the card. Just now I came up with the idea of scanning the answers to the crosswords so that now I can use more of the puzzles! I wish I thought of that before!
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