Before i went to bed last night i realised, I needed to make 1 more gift! I had forgotten my friends grandson, It is amazing how time flies, When new little lives come on the scene and you have a whole new generation to make for so i went to my book case, picked this book, Making Soft Toys by Alan Dart, that i picked up for $4 a couple of years ago thinking, I may want to try something from it one day, well that day is here.
It has some really lovely things in it. Long out of print it was published in 1994 by Coombe books. ISBN 1-85833-253-2 for anyone wanting to do a book search you maybe able to pick one up second hand.

This is what i will be making today, It is a sitting non jointed bear, and the best part is that it is all machine sewing, doable in the time i have left to do it in. i think my pure wool op shop coat fabrics will be just perfect for this. The bear in the book is the small one, the larger bear is the same pattern enlarged, I don't have time to do enlarging, just going to trace the pattern onto cardboard and get started.
I hope you all manage to get your last minute shopping/crafting/cooking done just the way you want, If not then just ring/e-mail/write to those you love, Hug the ones you see and tell them you love them.