Thursday, November 26, 2015

Spotlight Fabric Shopping.

On facebook a friend told me that her Spotlight had dressmaking and quilting fabrics reduced to $2 a metre, so I went out today to see if my local had the specials too, They did! All their orange sticker fabric are $2 a metre. This is the lot that I bought, Some oddments but most of them are 3 metres of each. I spent a whopping $195 and when I got home I added up the original prices and that would have set me back $881 saving a total of $686. Now that is a good shop!
  That is not the best bit though! Chatting with other customers in the queue I was able to hug a mum of an Aussie Hero quilt recipient, I gave her 2 hugs, one for her and one for her daughter. The quilts mean so much to them.


  1. Great shopping Sue. How lovely to meet that mum of an Aussie hero.

  2. That is fantastic shopping Sue...well done!! How wonderful to meet a Mum of an Aussie hero!!

  3. What a bargain... That is so cool. Well done and a happy meeting too.
