Wow, I cannot believe that it is over a week since I last blogged, Where did that time go? This is just a sneak peek at the chair in progress, it is coming along. My daughter and her hubby came down from Bathurst on Friday to go to a wedding on Saturday and left to go home on Sunday, a very quick visit, So good to chat with her face to face and to give her a real hug.

I have been shopping on ebay for supplies, I needed this and got it for $8 for 25 metres.

then I needed velcro, so back on ebay after checking out Savers first and not finding any, well you won't believe this but I bought the lot from one place only 8 minutes away from home.

plus eight and a bit rolls of webbing for $24. More than enough for the project on hand and for the rest of my life too! It does not matter that the loops and the hooks do not match, they won't be seen. I am thinking big here, moveable scenery and costuming applications just for a start.

A sneak peek at one of the toys going on the chair.