Yesterday we had out ACDA Christmas Party. Table Decorations.

Some of the Pincushions in the Pincushion Swap.

Doll of the Month winners and then one is chosen for Doll of the Year. The winner was the 3rd one.

Traveling Dolls. Each doll left their owners wearing just underwear. They have been to many people having items and clothing added and a journal of their travels added to a book along the way. They have been away for almost a year and they are finished and ready to go back to their owners today.

All the dolls were from the same pattern but the use of fabric changes the shape and size of each doll. This is what makes making dolls very exciting.

Every 2 months they had to be passed onto the next person on your list and a piece of clothing, some items and journal written in.

It was challenging, exciting and a lot of fun to do.

Every one who took part enjoyed it very much.

It has been a fun year and looking forward to some more adventures in next years activities.